A vacancy on the Board of Directors of Shafer and Freeman Lakes Environmental Conservation Corporation (SFLECC) has occurred.

Any member of the SFLECC interested in being considered to fill this position should send their current resume to: SFLECC Attn: Nominating Committee, P.O. Box 372, Monticello, Indiana  47960. Resumes should be received by 4 pm on October 20th, 2021.

All board members must be legal residents of the State of Indiana and members of the corporation. A member of the corporation consists of a person who has a paid current Shore Front License during the calendar year. A member could also be a recorded member of an Association with a paid current Shore Front License.

The SFLECC does have an attendance policy for board members and each member is asked to serve on a sub-committee.  Approximately 10 hours of volunteer work per month is expected.